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How the Law of Attraction Empowers You to Align with Your Life Purpose

This is the second post in a series on how the Law of Attraction can help with mental wellbeing.

Read the first post on examining and setting achievable life goals here.

First, let’s do a quick recap on the Law of Attraction.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction refers to the concept that thoughts, feelings, experiences, emotions and material or physical things, including living beings, are all manifestations of energy. Energy flows in certain directions according to certain laws.

As such, we can ‘create’, manifest, or attract towards us positive things like money, good experiences and relationships, or material items, by using specific psychological methodologies such as engaging in focused, positive thinking (affirmations), being mindful of our reactions to events or people, practising being grateful, and partaking in creative visualisations of our desires.

Utilising the full power of the Law of Attraction in your life will first need study and insight, as well as experience and skill in the techniques that assist you in bringing about positive changes to your life.

The Law of Attraction is NOT about passively hoping for good things.

We cannot simply wish for something, such as winning the lottery, and expect it to happen instantly. If that were the case, there would be no lottery!

Genuine application of the Law of Attraction is about actively exploring your self-development, as regards your goals, values and true purpose, and connecting with the universe, whilst engaged in diligent and purposeful work to facilitate the good things you want.

In other words, it requires your mindful and active participation to be effective.

Energy is everywhere

Natural laws like Law of Attraction happen in response to thoughts, which are energy, without selection or differentiation. Energy responds to other energy in a like-for-like way.

Hence, we can unwittingly attract negative things into our lives by focusing too much on the unfavourable aspects of any situation.

Negative thought patterns and emotions tend to repel good things, and attract challenges and obstacles into your life.

We all know someone who communicates and thinks negatively about most things, always complaining about others and the bad things that happen to them. And often, they seem to have one difficult crisis after another to deal with in real life.

Or, perhaps you, like many others, have frequent feelings of anxiety, panic or dread around an issue such as lack of money (this is very common).

This pessimism and strong negative emotions associated with money will unfortunately have the effect of repelling money faster than you can say “poverty”.

This is known as the Law of Repulsion.

Gaining some insight into how the Laws of Attraction and Repulsion work will mean gaining an understanding of what your true life purpose is.

Although thinking in terms of one true life purpose may be over-simplification of a complex issue, it is very common that people do have one specific idea in mind when they decide to align with their purpose and follow their heart in terms of how they lead their lives.

Let’s explore this in more detail.

Identifying your true life purpose and following your dreams

“The heart of human excellence often begins to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you, or gives you a sense of meaning, joy, or passion.”

―Terry Orlick

Are we spiritually barren?

In western and capitalistic countries, children and young adults are not generally encouraged to figure out their unique qualities and passions, become acquainted with their ‘inner self’, or identify what they stand for and their life’s purpose(s).

Nor are they taught how to craft goals to match these, and pursue them with gusto, for maximum mental wellbeing and harmony.

There may be some surface discussions about a teenager or young adult’s talents, abilities and interests, usually with the purpose of determining their education and work paths. These discussions tend to take place within the context of financial and materialistic aims, rather than the bigger picture of linking these meaningfully to psychological or spiritual growth.

As such, these conversations often happen without young people being taught the tools for deep personal reflection and development, and often without them seeing much positive modelling of these processes from the adults in their environments.

Sadly, because those skills are not mastered, the discussions are of little use, other than signposting young people to qualifications or jobs. While that is, of course, important, the focus tends to be on economic goals rather then personal development.

Once they then grow up, finish their education and enter the adult world of work, frequently the realities of earning money and the restrictions on time, movement and finances begin to take over, and their passions and dreams become drowned out by ‘real life’.

Plugging into ourselves and the universe

I think that if we were taught and learnt approaches which are more centred on our connections to each other, the planet and the universe, as well as the unseen forces that are also factors in our lives, this would be much more empowering and assist uplifting people out of poverty or from merely existing to ‘get by’.

By the way, these insights and skills can be learnt and applied at any age, and regardless of your current life circumstances.

I’m not advocating that we forget there are real things in our lives which need attention, like paying bills, keeping a roof over our heads, putting food on the table, and working for a living.

I’m simply arguing that if we looked up every now and then, instead of always at the ground (or screen) in front of us, our lives could be infinitely better.

This brings us full circle to the Law of Attraction.

It is my belief that an insight into the Law of Attraction facilitates discovery of your true purpose and destiny, which will be life-enhancing.

“If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily.”

―Jack Canfield

When you’ve evaluated your current life and how good (or not) you feel about yourself and your current life situation, via the suggested questions and techniques above, this will naturally lead to some curiosity about how you can improve your life, so that you can live life aligned with your true nature.

Using the Law of Attraction to attract better life circumstances, more money, true friends or love partners, good health or other positive things into your life always works more easily when you are attempting to do so by acting in a way that resonates with your passions and life purpose.

And thus you will need to unwrap what it is you are here in this life to do, and to cultivate your ikigai.

“The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.”

―Fyodor Dostoyevsky

A life of purpose and joy

Ikigai is a Japanese term referring to utilising your potential to make your life significant and meaningful. The fascination with the ikigai concept has come from the fact that certain aged populations, especially those living in Okinawa, Japan, typically live longer because they’re active in activities and situations which give them a reason for living and which are in line with their life’s purpose.

A popular meme summarises the totality of the ikigai concept in four quadrants: What you love, What you are good at, What the world needs, and What you can be paid for. Other definitions focus on living life to the fullest, finding joy in living and having a reason to be alive.

If you’re not familiar with your ikigai or life purpose, then it’s logical to assume that the things you’re good at, the ‘gifts’ you’re blessed with, will be the things that will assist you most in leading a meaningful life.

We are not talking here about the acquired skills you’ve undergone training for, or qualifications you’ve attained to do your job or other activities.

Sometimes those are in line with your in-built capabilities, but sometimes they’re not, because you just did them at the time to help you reach a certain goal, for example, employment or a salary raise.

Unpacking your purpose

In order to gain insight into your true purpose and why you are here, in this lifetime, in the circumstances you find yourself in, start by reflecting on what your special talents and abilities are.

Not all of us have had opportunities to explore doing different things, so knowing what you’re good at, when you haven’t tried lots of things, can be challenging.

But even if you’re stuck in a dead-end job, for example, there are probably things you do well there and things you’re not so good at, which give you hints about where your unique flair and skills lie.

Usually your life purpose has to do with helping others in some way, so zoom in on where you do that and the level of satisfaction you feel.

You also need to think about your interests and the things that stir your emotions – what are you passionate about? Which information, events, activities, things or situations excite you or bring you joy?

Be specific – I don’t mean the usual generalised, materialistic aspirations that many people express, such as having more money, going on holidays, or owning expensive things.

I mean actual things in your daily life that you may already be doing, even if not fully, or things you have stumbled across, or read about that someone else achieved – the types of things which induce in you enthusiasm, curiosity and energy, and which make your heart beat faster (in a good way).

“True happiness… is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.”

―Helen Keller

Let’s consider a real life example.

Toya works in an hourly paid retail job serving customers on the till, and happily chats away to her customers, who like her. But she often thinks back to when she was little, of how she dreamed of working with animals. It was all she wanted to do when growing up.

Although she doesn’t have any pets or much experience of animals in her current life, she often views social media posts about how wonderful animals are, or TV programmes about animals, and she’s recently stopped eating meat as a result of having discovered the cruelties inherent in the meat industry.

There have been a few times in her life when she interacted with other people’s animals, which always caused her to feel happy around them, never afraid, and she noticed how the animals seemed to respond positively to her presence.

In this example, Toya appears to have certain innate qualities that make people and animals feel comfortable with her, and she’s obviously passionate about animals.

As a result, she has decided to clarify her goals to make her dream of working with animals a reality, even though this will mean some sacrifices along the way, and she will aim to start training as an animal nurse next year.

You’re next! Who are you, really, deep down? What is your soul’s life purpose? Why are you here? How do you help others?

Some tips to aid your soul-seeking process:

  • ~ Be mindful of everyday situations or events which excite you, make you feel happy or bring you peace – these are likely to point to your passions and purpose. Keep a diary or journal to map out this process.
  • ~ Write down the things you wanted to do with your life when you were a child. Assess them – are they still things that energise you when you think about them (even if they seem unrealistic at the moment)?
  • ~ Think about the things you’re read, seen or heard about which made you feel animated and alive, and write them down.
  • ~ Write down all the things you know you’re good at. Not the skills or things you’ve trained in necessarily, but the things that you know you naturally do better than most others, the things that you seem to be gifted in, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.
  • ~ Talk to family, friends or a counsellor about your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your passions.
  • ~ Explore how to pursue and develop your talents and passions, and put plans in place to do so, so that you feel more intergrated and whole as a person. Remember that this is not only about you – finding and developing ikigai frequently involves helping others in some way.
  • ~ Write or say daily affirmations to help you uncover the unique qualities that you have brought to this planet in this lifetime, and how to work towards evolving these, as well as affirmations expressing gratitude for your wonderful and extraordinary gifts.
  • ~ Consider taking a self-development course or reading some self-help books to boost your explorations and learning.
  • ~ Create a ‘vision board’ which illustrates and captures the true you. Include photos, diagrams, information, links and notes about the things that inspire and excite you.
  • ~ Write a few pages in a diary or journal with your response to this important question: What would be the things you will most regret NOT doing when you’re on your deathbed and looking back at your life?

“You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.”

―Margaret Young

What’s next?

You may be curious about the Law of Attraction and how it can be incorporated into your life to bring about abundance and wealth for you and your family.

There’s no reason you can’t transform your life internally (improving your state of mind) and externally (improving your life circumstances) at the same time. In fact, the two generally go hand in hand, as they are closely intertwined.

Even if you don’t feel ready to harness the incredible potential of the Law of Attraction, you can still choose to undergo powerful inner transformation and live a better life.

Try out the suggested tips above to kickstart your transformation and soul-seeking. You may be pleasantly surprised with the results.

By getting to know yourself better, you will most likely experience an urge to make some changes to improve your quality of life and mental wellbeing.

Don’t be afraid of this – it is your soul asking to be given some freedom!

But, whether you acknowledge it or not, the Law of Attraction is always there, always working behind the scenes of your life, because your subconscious mind is always interacting with reality and the universe. So why not set it to work in positive ways for you, and see where it leads?

Journalling is a powerful tool to help you explore your state of mind, set goals for your life, record your change journey, assist with manifesting wealth and positivity, and improve your your mental wellbeing.

You can get your own unique Self-Transformation Journal (printable and editable), for free, by signing up to my newsletter here.

Once signed up, from time to time I’ll also send you some information on Law of Attraction, self-development, financial freedom and wealth opportunities.

I recommend further reading on Law of Attraction and related topics – it really is fascinating! – see here and the list below to get you started.

I wish you a wonderful journey on your road to self-fulfillment 🙂

Further Reading

Boc, Victor. “How to Solve all Your Money Problems Forever – Creating a Positive Flow of Money in Your Life” [published 2013]. Portland, Oregon: Vorco Publishing.

Brenner, Abigail. “5 Key Points to Help You Change Your Life – From Transition to Transformation” [published 27/05/2018]. Available from: [accessed 16/11/2022].

Byrne, Rhonda. “The Law of Attraction”. Available from: [accessed 15/11/2022].

Canfield, Jack. “A Complete Guide to Using the Law of Attraction”. Available from: [accessed 15/11/2022].

Desy, Phylameana lila. “Theory Behind the Universal Law Known as The Law of Attraction – Like Attracts Like” [published 27/04/2019]. Available from: [accessed 15/11/2022].

Hill, Napoleon and Pell, Arthur, R. “Think and Grow Rich – Revised and Expanded by Arthur R. Pell” [published 1937/2003]. London: Vermillion.

Kowalski, Kyle. “The True Meaning of Ikigai: Definitions, Diagrams & Myths about the Japanese Life Purpose”. Available from: [accessed 16/11/2022]. “Vocation, Life Purpose and Law Of Attraction – Lesson 3 presented by Marc Allen (in his book The Millionaire Course) is about discovering your vocation and purpose”. Available from: [accessed 16/11/2022].

Robbins, Tony. “What is my purpose? Unlock the answers to the age-old question of how to find purpose in life”. Available from: [accessed 25/11/22]. “What Is The Law Of Attraction & How Does It Work?” Available from: [accessed 15/11/2022].

Schippers, Michaela C. and Ziegler, Nicholas. “Life Crafting as a Way to Find Purpose and Meaning in Life” [published 13/12/2019, in Frontiers of Psychology, Issue 10: 2778 of 2019]. Available from: [accessed 16/11/2022].

Scott, Elizabeth. “What is the Law of Attraction? How Your Thoughts Can Influence Outcomes in Your Life” [published/updated 07/11/2022]. Available from: [accessed 15/11/2022]. “17 Inspiring Quotes to Help You Live a Life of Purpose” [published 22/06/2017]. Available from: [accessed 25/11/22].