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How to Set Achievable Life Goals Using the Law of Attraction

This is the first post in a series exploring how insights into the Law of Attraction can ehance mental wellbeing.

You’ve probably already heard of the Law of Attraction.

Perhaps you loved the idea but were too busy to seek out how it might work for you. Or perhaps you dismissed it, as mumbo-jumbo or too new-agey for you.

But whether you acknowledge and believe it or not, we are all part of an infinite universe of matter and energy, our minds included, so the connection to each other and the rest of the universe is real.

Which means that using our thoughts and feelings, which are energy too, to interact with the universe we exist in is entirely possible.

Imagine this process to be a bit like dipping your finger into a basin of water to cause ripples, or pressing your hand into a pin art board to create an indentation.

How does the Law of Attraction work?

The Law of Attraction refers to the concept that thoughts, feelings, experiences, emotions and material or physical things, including living beings, are all manifestations of energy. Energy flows in certain directions according to certain laws.

As such, we can ‘create’, manifest, or attract towards us positive things like money, good experiences and relationships, or material items, by using specific psychological methodologies such as engaging in focused, positive thinking (affirmations), being mindful of our reactions to events or people, practising being grateful, and partaking in creative visualisations of our desires.

Utilising the full power of the Law of Attraction in your life will first need study and insight, as well as experience and skill in the techniques that assist you in bringing about positive changes to your life.

The Law of Attraction is NOT about passively hoping for good things.

We cannot simply wish for something, such as winning the lottery, and expect it to happen instantly. If that were the case, there would be no lottery!

Genuine application of the Law of Attraction is about actively exploring your self-development, as regards your goals, values and true purpose, and connecting with the universe, whilst engaged in diligent and purposeful work to facilitate the good things you want.

In other words, it requires your mindful and active participation to be effective.

Energy is everywhere

Natural laws like Law of Attraction happen in response to thoughts, which are energy, without selection or differentiation. Energy responds to other energy in a like-for-like way.

Hence, we can unwittingly attract negative things into our lives by focusing too much on the unfavourable aspects of any situation.

Negative thought patterns and emotions tend to repel good things, and attract challenges and obstacles into your life.

We all know someone who communicates and thinks negatively about most things, always complaining about others and the bad things that happen to them. And often, they seem to have one difficult crisis after another to deal with in real life.

Or, perhaps you, like many others, have frequent feelings of anxiety, panic or dread around an issue such as lack of money (this is very common).

This pessimism and strong negative emotions associated with money will unfortunately have the effect of repelling money faster than you can say “poverty”.

Negativity repels positivity

Negativity, anguish, desperation and depression result in you unknowingly and inadvertently repelling what you desire, such as money, love, career opportunities, good luck, and so on.

Over-focusing on getting something you don’t have, to the point of constant unhappiness, despair and distress, also leads to repulsion of that thing, as a protection mechanism for your psyche. Your subconscious mind will tend to shun that thing (such as money) which causes you to suffer.

This is known as the Law of Repulsion, which is the unwelcome cousin of the Law of Attraction.

For example, if you often obsess or are overly anxious about something you fear may happen, such as homelessness due to debts (even if it hasn’t happened yet, and might not happen), then you could manifest negative things, or bring those very things you fear into your life.

You need to learn ways to deal with these distressing topics without feeling so deeply about them, in order to reset the balance in your life.

As Jack Canfield, author of the ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ series and uber-successful personal development coach, says:

It is only when the contradictory thoughts, talk, and images are removed that your desired results will manifest. The faster you remove your resistance, the faster your dreams can be realized.”

– Jack Canfield

Humanity evolved?

The repercussions of us all understanding and applying the Laws of Attraction and Repulsion are huge for humanity as a whole.

Imagine if we could turn our thinking around, focus on positive things we need and want, and on those things which will make the world a better, kinder, fairer place – and then manifest those into our lives.

Imagine if everyone knew how to do this, and did it effortlessly.

Imagine if everyone was in tune with their true and higher purpose.

Imagine how different the human experience would be.

Imagine how wonderful, beautiful, abundant, creative, purposeful and joyful it could be.

I may be getting a little carried away, but the possibilities are there, waiting for us to activate them!

The Law of Attraction is first and foremost about your mind.

The Laws of Attraction and Repulsion are intimately related with human psychology, because they harness the power of the mind in its countless interactions with the rest of reality.

These laws also describe how we are all connected to each other, to other living beings, and even to immaterial objects, in numerous, complex and indecipherable ways.

Like a finely and intricately woven spider’s web which doesn’t give up its secrets.

Nevertheless, you can appreciate, and be in awe of, the magic and beauty of the spider’s web, without fully understanding the science, philosophy or even the spirituality behind the spider’s masterful weaving.

And whether you believe that the Law of Attraction (and its ‘poor cousin’, the Law of Repulsion) exist or not, even a brief insight into these laws can help you gain more understanding of yourself and your true nature, become a better person, and live your life in tune with who you are and what you really want.

Let’s explore how the Law of Attraction can assist with this.

Examining and enhancing your goals and satisfaction with your life

“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours – it is an amazing journey – and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.”

– Bob Moawad

Once you start looking into the Law of Attraction, and how it holds potential for each individual achieving great and wonderful things in their lives and in the lives of others, this process naturally leads to you viewing your own achievements, goals and values under a microscope.

This forces you to ask yourself important questions.

  • ‘Am I doing what I imagined I would be doing by this stage of my life?’
  • ‘Am I using my time on Earth wisely – am I spending most of my time doing things I like to do?’
  • ‘Am I genuinely happy on an ongoing basis, and am I making others happy?’
  • ‘Is what I do with my time on a daily basis meaningful to me?’
  • ‘Do I generally feel fulfilled and at peace?’

Exploring your honest answers to these questions can be uncomfortable or even painful, especially if the answers illustrate that you’re not truly spending your life doing what makes you happy, purposeful and fulfilled deep-down.

Confronting these truths can compel you to make positive and significant changes. Many have found that writing thoughts into a diary or journal on a regular basis helps to process them. You might also choose to undergo counselling.

You may feel frightened of change. Change can seem like jumping off a cliff into the unknown.

But ultimately, you need to ask yourself this question – ‘Will not changing anything in my life cause me more pain and distress, and possibly mental illness, than the challenges and obstacles associated with change?’

If the answer is yes, you know what you need to do.

Making sweeping life-changes is never easy. You may feel like you’re stuck in a difficult place financially, or job-wise, or in a relationship or marriage which isn’t working, or you may have a family who you need to consider too.

But what better example to show your children, family and friends, that you were brave enough to follow your heart?

Some tips to aid your transformation process:

  • ~ Remember that being afraid of change is natural. Keep a journal, talk to others who support you, and continue moving towards that end goal, which is a happier future you. Don’t let fear be the sole reason for not changing.
  • ~ Plan for the things that need to change in your life in a systematic, objective way. Write down all the steps you need to take to transition from where you are now (emotionally, financially, career-wise, relationships, etc) to where and what you wish to be, and then write down how you will achieve each step.
  • ~ Communicate with others in your life who may be affected by your transition. Keep them informed, so that they feel part of the journey too.
  • ~ Know that not everyone will necessarily be glad for you or support you, and gaining new people in your life who are more attuned to your new phase of development, as well as losing some who can’t or won’t be part of it, are a normal part of the process.
  • ~ Keep reflecting and being aware of how you feel as you change, and evaluate whether what you’re doing is right for you. Sometimes outside circumstances change, which may mean you need to be flexible with your plans, or your plans may change because you have new information or situations you’re exposed to. It’s okay to adapt as you go.
  • ~ Write, say and feel affirmations which help you gain insights into yourself and help you feel gratitude, as well as gain more happiness.
  • ~ Depending on how significant the shifts are for you, take it slowly, one step at a time. Celebrate each small step you achieve, and keep focusing on the end game, and how good you will feel when you reach that point where you know you’ll be much more in tune with the real you.

“You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.”

―Margaret Young

What’s next?

You may be curious about the Law of Attraction and how it can be incorporated into your life to bring about abundance and wealth for you and your family.

There’s no reason you can’t transform your life internally (improving your state of mind) and externally (improving your life circumstances) at the same time. In fact, the two generally go hand in hand, as they are closely intertwined.

Even if you don’t feel ready to harness the incredible potential of the Law of Attraction, you can still choose to undergo powerful inner transformation and live a better life.

Try out the suggested tips above to kickstart your transformation and soul-seeking. You may be pleasantly surprised with the results.

By getting to know yourself better, you will most likely experience an urge to make some changes to improve your quality of life and mental wellbeing.

Don’t be afraid of this – it is your soul asking to be given some freedom!

But, whether you acknowledge it or not, the Law of Attraction is always there, always working behind the scenes of your life, because your subconscious mind is always interacting with reality and the universe. So why not set it to work in positive ways for you, and see where it leads?

Journalling is a powerful tool to help you explore your state of mind, set goals for your life, record your change journey, assist with manifesting wealth and positivity, and improve your your mental wellbeing.

You can get your own unique Self-Transformation Journal (printable and editable), for free, by signing up to my newsletter here.

Once signed up, from time to time I’ll also send you some information on Law of Attraction, self-development, financial freedom and wealth opportunities.

I recommend further reading on Law of Attraction and related topics – it really is fascinating! – see here and the list below to get you started.

I wish you a wonderful journey on your road to self-fulfillment 🙂

Further Reading

Boc, Victor. “How to Solve all Your Money Problems Forever – Creating a Positive Flow of Money in Your Life” [published 2013]. Portland, Oregon: Vorco Publishing.

Brenner, Abigail. “5 Key Points to Help You Change Your Life – From Transition to Transformation” [published 27/05/2018]. Available from: [accessed 16/11/2022].

Byrne, Rhonda. “The Law of Attraction”. Available from: [accessed 15/11/2022].

Canfield, Jack. “A Complete Guide to Using the Law of Attraction”. Available from: [accessed 15/11/2022].

Desy, Phylameana lila. “Theory Behind the Universal Law Known as The Law of Attraction – Like Attracts Like” [published 27/04/2019]. Available from: [accessed 15/11/2022].

Hill, Napoleon and Pell, Arthur, R. “Think and Grow Rich – Revised and Expanded by Arthur R. Pell” [published 1937/2003]. London: Vermillion.

Kowalski, Kyle. “The True Meaning of Ikigai: Definitions, Diagrams & Myths about the Japanese Life Purpose”. Available from: [accessed 16/11/2022]. “Vocation, Life Purpose and Law Of Attraction – Lesson 3 presented by Marc Allen (in his book The Millionaire Course) is about discovering your vocation and purpose”. Available from: [accessed 16/11/2022].

Robbins, Tony. “What is my purpose? Unlock the answers to the age-old question of how to find purpose in life”. Available from: [accessed 25/11/22]. “What Is The Law Of Attraction & How Does It Work?” Available from: [accessed 15/11/2022].

Schippers, Michaela C. and Ziegler, Nicholas. “Life Crafting as a Way to Find Purpose and Meaning in Life” [published 13/12/2019, in Frontiers of Psychology, Issue 10: 2778 of 2019]. Available from: [accessed 16/11/2022].

Scott, Elizabeth. “What is the Law of Attraction? How Your Thoughts Can Influence Outcomes in Your Life” [published/updated 07/11/2022]. Available from: [accessed 15/11/2022]. “17 Inspiring Quotes to Help You Live a Life of Purpose” [published 22/06/2017]. Available from: [accessed 25/11/22].