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Life-Changing Books to Help You Move Forward

You’re truly amazing!

It’s important to feel confident that you have the knowledge and skills to do whatever it takes to create a new future. But more essential is for you to truly know yourself, and to let go of fear in order to find your real power.

In fact, according to those in the know, you cannot embark on a life-changing journey without ensuring what you’re doing is in alignment with your true values and purpose. Success will usually only come when your actions, thoughts and feelings align with the true you.

If there is anything you feel may be holding you back in some way, and there almost always is for everyone, it will be useful to reflect on those things, and clear away any cobwebs, so that you’re ready in every way possible for a new life.

Self-Empowerment Resources

The following books will be instrumental in shifting fear and empowering your true self. They will be especially helpful if you sense or know that you struggle with low self-confidence or have self-doubts, which may be holding you back.

I’ve read these myself and have found them to be extremely useful.

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

This classic ‘self-help’ book by Susan Jeffers of 1987, revised and updated in 2019, “inspires us with many dynamic techniques and profound concepts that have helped millions around the world to grab hold of their fears and move forward with their lives…

“You will learn to live your life the way you want to live it – and move yourself from a place of pain, paralysis and depression to one of power, energy and love.”

Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?

Written by Dr Julie Smith, a counsellor, who found that her patients were having great success with the practical techniques she was teaching.

“From managing anxiety, dealing with criticism or battling low mood, to building self-confidence, finding motivation or learning to forgive yourself, this book tackles the everyday issues that affect us all and offers easy, practical solutions that might just change your life.”

Three steps to a new you.

Step One is to work on yourself. A great way of doing this is to read some empowering books which outline practical strategies for change, like those above.

Step Two is learning about the Law of Attraction and using it for powerful, previously-unimagined transformation of your life.


Life coaching sessions will help you find your mojo and get back on track, so you wake up excited for life, everyday.

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