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Law of Attraction versus Law of Repulsion

You’ve probably heard of the Law of Attraction

… The idea that with powerful thoughts, visualisations and intentions, and applying specific techniques, we can attract money, material items, or positive experiences like career promotions, love relationships, travel adventures, and so on, into our lives.

But you might not know about its reciprocal cousin, the Law of Repulsion

… This states that if we obsess with or focus too much on something – for example, on our lack of money or no love partner – to the point where we often feel panic, fear, dread, anxiety, depression or any strong, negative emotions about that issue, then we repel that very thing we are so desperate to obtain.

How does this happen?

We are all connected to each other and to everything in the universe.

There are numerous examples, anecdotes or real life examples of people knowing things before they occur, people saying things at the same time as someone else, telepathising your thoughts or feelings to someone far away, or some people appearing to be ‘lucky’ while others are ‘unlucky’, and so on.

When we have frequent positive or negative thoughts, even if subsconscious/involuntary, especially when we experience strong emotions on an ongoing basis around an idea or a thing – we will manifest an attraction or a repulsion for that idea or thing, depending on whether our feelings and thoughts are largely positive or negative.

You might be thinking, ‘but I don’t want to be poor, I often wish I was wealthy – so the Law of Repulsion doesn’t work!’

Unfortunately that is exactly the Law of Repulsion at work. Those intense, ongoing, negative emotions you probably feel about your impoverished situation on a regular basis – dread, worry, anguish, doubts – all lead to you repelling money.

Of course, utilising the Law of Attraction effectively, and dimishing the power of the Law of Repulsion, is easier said than done.

Many people struggle to attract good things into their lives effortlessly, and may give up, thinking that happiness, wealth and all manner of riches are just not their destiny. But anyone can have these!

“Thought impulses begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent, whether those thoughts are voluntary or involuntary.”

Napoleon Hill, author of ‘Think and Grow Rich‘ (1937)

How to make it work for you

According to Victor Boc, author of “How to Solve All Your Money Problems Forever” (1996-2013), the way to increase your Attraction Force for the situations and things you desire, and decrease your Repellant Force for things or situations you don’t desire, is to use a two-prong approach.

“To achieve any goal and have it endure, you must do two things: create a vivid image of your goal, and let go of your attachment to the goal.”

Victor Boc, author of ‘How to Solve all Your Money Problems Forever‘ (1996-2013)

The two-prong approach involves using positive affirmations and visualisations, as well as methods to reduce any negative and overly emotional attachments you have for things or situations.

Affirmations and Image Implanting in Your Subconscious Mind

To increase the Law of Attraction in your life, you need to use frequent, specifically-worded, detailed, positive affirmations with strong visualisations of the things or situations you desire.

The visualisations must be detailed, such that you feel like you are actually already in that situation, and you need to experience the positive, excited and happy feelings you’ll feel when you have achieved that in reality.

Upgrading Negative Addictions to Preferences and ‘Glad-Giving’

To decrease the Law of Repulsion in your life, you need to detach emotionally from the things or situations you desire, especially from the negative feelings around the lack of those things or situations.

This should result in you feeling alright but indifferent, rather than anguished or fearful. This detachment can be assisted by ‘glad-giving’ to decrease attachment to money.

Read a summary and analysis of the book

Get your own copy of the book: it is highly recommended!

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