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What if you could transform your life, using a step by step guided process...

... And live a life of purpose, happiness and no regrets?

Right now, does every day seem the same as the next?

You might have a responsible or repetitive job. You’re working hard and you’re always busy. You’re juggling work, home responsibilities, family and friends, and never seem to have time for yourself, let alone time to figure out what it is you really want from life.

But something is calling you, and you’re not sure what. Something is insisting that you do something different, that you step up, that you change your life – and you can’t quite make out what it is. Or you know what it is, but aren’t sure how to get from this to that.

It’s getting louder, difficult to ignore – and you know if you put it aside, deny it, refuse to listen, that you’ll regret it one day.

Life Coaching sessions could be the difference between living a life of quiet desperation – or a life of passion, purpose and meaning.

As your dedicated 1-2-1 Life Coach, I’ll help you uncover the real you, empower you to fix what’s not working, and assist you to become accountable for your actions. 

You’ll come out knowing the exact steps you need to take to transform your life, so that you – yes you! – will experience happiness, fulfilment and purpose in your every day. Which after all, is all your true self asks of you – to follow your passions and live a life without regrets.

Life Coaching: Book your Discovery Call (it’s free)

When you click this button, you’ll be taken to my Pensight page, which is an all-in-one platform to process bookings and payments (if relevant), set calendar appointments, and communicate with my Clients about their Life Coaching sessions.

Ever heard yourself say...?

I'm too old to change my life.

You’re never too old to old to change. In fact, the older you get, the more life experiences you have, the more understanding, insights and wisdom you have. So if you’re feeling you’re past some sort of invisible age barrier, that’s exactly the time to transform, to finally do something for you, before it’s too late.

My life is more or less okay, not as great as I hoped, but liveable.

It’s positive that you have some good things in your life. But life is NOT about just getting by and it’s NOT about feeling that you don’t deserve better. Life should be about you living fully, being your authentic self, and feeling a deep sense of happiness and purpose rather than feeling just okay.

I'd love to change my life, but I'm too busy or can't afford it.

You may have a lot of responsibilities that you’re trying to juggle, which leave you feeling drained and unable to focus on yourself. Or you may have no extra cash, so can’t pay for expensive training or therapy. But your needs are important, you’re worthy and you deserve a happy life, and there are ways to prioritise exploring what you really want, even if you’re busy or your finances are stretched.

Life Coaching Sessions

As your Life Coach, I’m here to guide you on a journey to unlocking your true worth, your purpose and your authenticity. We can focus on one area or more than one area of your life, such as career, relationships, parenting, diet and nutrition, entrepreneurship, purpose, self-development and spirituality.

Life Coaching sessions incorporate talking but are practical and goal-focused. In your sessions we’ll discuss, explore and plan, in a structured way with me guiding you, how to unravel, navigate and improve your life, and work out your steps to greater meaning, focus and joy. 

We’ll usually meet for an hour a week via an online call, with you taking some time during each week to do further work on yourself via activities which we’ll make sure will fit into your life.   

To see if Life Coaching is a good fit for you, book your 30 minute no-obligation Discovery Call – it’s free.

Life Coaching: Book your Discovery Call (it’s free)

When you click this button, you’ll be taken to my Pensight page, which is an all-in-one platform to process bookings and payments (if relevant), set calendar appointments, and communicate with my Clients about their Life Coaching sessions.

Life Coaching FAQs

A Life Coach is a professional who guides and supports Clients in achieving their personal and professional goals. They help you identify your strengths, uncover your passions, and develop the strategies and skills necessary to overcome challenges and achieve your desired outcomes.

Not at all, because each Life Coach will have different specialisms, life experiences, training, strategies and methods, and this can vary depending on who their Clients are. As you want to get the most out of your Life Coaching sessions, choose a Life Coach you most resonate with, one with good reviews, and one who specialises in the areas you want guidance with.

There are some similarities between them, but while Therapy involves more in-depth exploration of past experiences and emotional issues, Life Coaching focuses on present-day challenges and future aspirations, and is more action-oriented. Life Coaching is centred on personal growth, goal setting, and achieving personal fulfilment, whereas Therapy primarily addresses mental health concerns.

The Life Coaching sessions will involve you, the Client, and me, the Coach (they are 1-2-1, not in a group).
The sessions will be via online video calling, so you could be anywhere (as long as you have a stable internet connection).

Please note that I run the Life Coaching sessions in English, so you will need a good level of spoken and written English to participate.

Life Coaching sessions are typically for 60 minutes, once a week. The number of sessions required varies depending on individual goals and progress. A Life Coaching program usually involves 6-12 sessions, but some Clients may require more or fewer depending on their needs. 

The first call is a free, no-obligation Discovery Call of 20-30 minutes, to see if Life Coaching is a good fit for you.

Life Coaching can be viewed as a partnership between Life Coach and Client, and any progress and achievement depends on many factors, including the Client’s commitment, time and circumstances. As a Life Coach, I’ll do my best to suggest solutions and advise you on strategies to help you transform your life in positive ways according to the goals we’ve set together, but any change will ultimately be up to you, the Client, because it’s your life, and it’s your determination, attitude and actions that will lead to transformation.

It would thus be irresponsible for the Life Coach to promise positive change for their Clients. Having said that, please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns about the Life Coaching service provided and I’ll do my best to resolve it for you.

Kathryn Newey of

Who am I?

Hi, I’m Kathryn Newey, Life Coach, Educator and Author. 

I’ve been a teacher for over 30 years, and this has always been more than just standing in front of a group of students – an integral part of the process is support, encouragement, goal-setting, intuition, timing, guidance, counselling and life coaching of individual students. I’ve also been involved in marketing, psychographics and writing – all of which have given me insights into human psychology and communication.

In my own life, I feel my greatest learning and growth has taken place when I’ve had a mentor who has my best interests at heart. And that’s what I want to be for you as your Life Coach – your mentor, your supporter, your encourager, your uplifter, your guide. 

To see if Life Coaching is a good fit for you, book your 30 minute no-obligation Discovery Call – it’s free.

Life Coaching: Book your Discovery Call (it’s free)

When you click this button, you’ll be taken to my Pensight page, which is an all-in-one platform to process bookings and payments (if relevant), set calendar appointments, and communicate with my Clients about their Life Coaching sessions.

Life Coaching can help you, EVEN IF...

... you're not sure what you need to change.

You know something has to change, because you're feeling unsettled, your life feels like it's on hold or stuck, or something is calling you but you're not quite sure what. During Life Coaching sessions, I'll guide you to dig deep to uncover exactly what transformations will help you feel happier and more fulfilled.

... you only want to change one thing.

Life Coaching is about you and it's flexible. If you just want to focus on fixing one area of your life, that's fine. Some clients come for Life Coaching just to work on improving their relationship, parenting, body image, career change or progression, or something else. During the process, we'll explore if that one area might be tied to other areas too.

... your dream life is far from your current life.

During the Life Coaching process, we'll explore your passions and what type of life would make your heart sing. Then we'll work out a step by step plan for you to move towards your dream life. It's not about getting there in one swoop; even small changes can positively impact your happiness.

... you've tried counselling and it didn't work.

Life Coaching and psychotherapy or counselling are different. Psychotherapy tends to be more long-term and is focused on your past, whilst Life Coaching is much more present and future-focused. During my free, no-obligation Discovery Call, we will discuss whether Life Coaching is a good fit for you or not.

... you have a good or well-paying job.

A responsible, well-paid job where you have some authority and sphere of influence often doesn't equate to fulfilling your purpose, making a difference and feeling happy and excited about what you do. This is because you're usually furthering someone else's dreams. With Life Coaching, we'll explore the differences between your dreams and your day job, and set goals to achieve what really makes your heart sing.

... you've never tried it or anything similar before.

Life Coaching will provide you with a structured and guided approach to improve your life, experience greater happiness and become more purposeful. It's a partnership between client and coach. There will often be actions for you to take between sessions, and I'll be there to keep you accountable, so you experience positive outcomes for your life.

Life Coaching: Book your Discovery Call (it’s free)

When you click this button, you’ll be taken to my Pensight page, which is an all-in-one platform to process bookings and payments (if relevant), set calendar appointments, and communicate with my Clients about their Life Coaching sessions.