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Business & Development Resources

A collection of freebies, journals, software, platforms and other resources to help smooth your journey from ‘paid’ to ‘made’!


Helpful printables, guides and templates to help put you on the road to success, without costing a penny. Simply sign up to my email list, and they’re yours, as my gift to you!

Guides, Templates & Tools

From useful information and guides, to PDF downloads, to time-saving templates. Usually free to view/use, or sometimes require a sign up to access.

Basic Content Creation Software

Having attention-grabbing social media graphics, videos and websites means you need easy-to-use, quality software to make producing these a piece of cake. Bonus: they’re free or low cost!

Advanced Software & Platforms

Multi-feature platforms and packages that enable you to do more at the same time, often on auto-pilot, by offering tools like AI, sales funnels, auto-responders, social media calendars, auto-posting, templates, training and/or hosting of your digital content.


Reflecting on your psychological, spritual and financial journey will be assisted by writing down your thoughts and feelings in a beautiful journal.

Marketing Services

Coaching, mentoring and marketing audits for new and small businesses, to ensure their digital marketing efforts match the power of their enthusiasm, for maximum success.

Be Wise

Insights, summaries, reviews and background information essential for your learning journey.