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Marketing Services

Building up your new or existing small business takes time, knowledge, effort and resilience.

Despite being life-affirming and exciting, it can also be downright challenging and difficult – there’s so much to learn and do, and frequently only you to do it (at least at the start).

I can help. I offer coaching, mentoring and marketing audits to help new and small businesses set up and become more successful.

By working with me, you’ll not only gain valuable knowledge and skills, but you’ll also have peace of mind knowing that your digital assets are being taken care of. You’ll have more time to focus on other aspects of your business, allowing you to grow and thrive in the digital age.

Let’s take your business to the next level. Click below to learn more.

Marketing Coaching and Mentoring

Stay in charge, and learn valuable new digital skills, while you set up and develop your new or small business online, with a coach by your side to ensure you stay on track!

I’ll coach and mentor you while you develop the digital assets your small or new business needs to stay current and competitive in the internet era.

Marketing Audit

Get a comprehensive review your existing digital assets and marketing activities.

You’ll receive an individualised report with practical and actionable recommendations to help you improve your marketing efforts – so you attract more customers, increase brand awareness, and ultimately grow your business.

Be Wise

Insights, summaries, reviews and background information essential for your learning journey.