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Marketing Coaching & Mentoring

Growing your business is exciting!

But it can also be challenging and overwhelming.

Especially if you’re unsure of the steps to get your business online, like creating a website, blog or email newsletters, or how to maximise the effectiveness of your social media and digital marketing for business success.

With a coach and mentor, this can be a seamless transformation.

We’re in the digital age. And right now your potential customers are searching online for products or services like yours.

Which means no matter what type of business you’re in – whether you’re selling physical products like homemade personal care items or T-shirts, or offering services like gardening or childcare – or even if you’re wanting to set up a new business from scratch, you need to be online.

But the costs to hire a professional to build your website, write engaging blog posts, set up email marketing and create social media campaigns can be prohibitive, especially for start-ups. Let’s not forget the ongoing or retainer costs for others to build and run these for you.

Often new entrepreneurs and those who want to set up a new business online lack the know-how or technical and computer skills to do it for themselves.

So they might end up paying thousands to web design and marketing companies to do it for them, which means they start their business in the red – or sadly, they feel so overwhelmed that they never start.

That’s where I come in.

I will teach you essential digital skills, improving your skillset and confidence, and coach and mentor you to create, set up and maintain whichever digital assets are most relevant for your business and niche: your website, blog, email marketing systems or social media marketing.

Which means you’ll be in charge of your online assets and marketing, without feeling helpless and without having to rely on others or pay expensive experts to get it done.

hello, i’m kathryn.

I coach and mentor new and small businesses, start-ups, new entrepreneurs, sole traders, and those wanting to set up a business from scratch, to help them get their businesses up and running online.

My aim is to empower you, while ensuring you experience minimal stress and get your business online in the most cost-effective way.

Over the past ten years, I’ve been involved in digital marketing, built lots of websites, and helped to set up businesses, sometimes for my own businesses and sometimes for other entrepreneurs.

I’m also a teacher and have worked with all age groups, from all walks of life, so coaching, mentoring, analysing and communicating come naturally to me. It might sound like a cliche, but I love helping others to thrive!

We can do this!

As a coach and mentor specifically for new and existing small businesses, I’ll help you to learn and upskill your essential digital skills, and at a pace which is comfortable for you and fits into your life and business schedule.

Which means you’ll save tons of money at the start, when you need it most, by not having to shell out to pay others to do it for you.

You’ll also significantly improve your own digital skillset, self-reliance and confidence.

Plus, with my coaching, you’ll get started with creating the most relevant digital assets your new business needs for online success, or develop and improve any you already have in place – whether that is your business website, blog, email marketing systems or social media marketing.

And, once set up, you’ll have the skills to be able to maintain, change, add to and develop these as your business grows.

So you’ll be on your way to achieving success, independence and financial freedom faster than you can say ‘Let’s start!’

Find out more about what you’ll get in your coaching sessions and make your booking.

The information on this website is for educational purposes only. None of the information on this website is to be considered financial advice. Any suggestions of earnings are merely examples for illustration only. Earnings will vary from individual to individual, depending on numerous factors, including efforts, marketing, abilities, and so forth. Some links on this website are affiliate links – in other words, I will earn a commission if you click on the link and purchase the product or service. Thank you for doing so, as this helps me to maintain the website and my ongoing dedication to providing quality information, products and services to you.