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The Most Significant Book About Money You Will Ever Read

I recently stumbled upon a book called How To Solve All Your Money Problems Forever by Victor Boc. I’m so grateful I did – it is, by far, the most significant book on money I have ever read!

Besides being a radio personality and professional snooker player, the author has been teaching the concepts of Law of Attraction and Law of Repulsion for over 20 years. The book is full of practical techniques and he gives many examples of success stories.

Okay, so now you may be thinking, “What a cheesy title!”, or “Oh no, not that Law of Attraction stuff again!”

I was the same at the start. But as I got into it, I realised the book is really a very powerful psychology self-help book, because all the concepts can be applied to any situation in your life.

And shockingly, as I worked my way through the book, I discovered that most people who struggle to make money probably have an ‘addiction to money’.

This might sound counter-intuitive, as surely only wealthy people, those focused on the materialistic benefits of money, are money addicts?

Turns out many of us are addicts!

We often stereotype ‘addicts’ as those who are down-and-out and addicted to alcohol or drugs, who live only for their next ‘fix’. And because they’re so fixated on only one thing, they may end up jobless or homeless.

But in reality, most people in modern society have multiple addictions. Many continue to function, holding down jobs, paying bills, and looking after their families, and as a result, we don’t think of them as having addiction problems.

Addiction can be defined as:

Any compulsive need leading to unproductive or ill-advised actions, and linked to fierce, obsessive emotion. Addiction is ultimately a state of powerlessness, and often leads to a downward spiral of doom, frustration and depression”.

Think about how many times you might choose to have chocolate bars, numerous glasses of alcohol, or unhealthy meals, knowing these are not good for you. In fact, often these actions are encouraged in society, and promoted by advertising as being ‘normal’ or aspirational.

Think about those who may carry excess weight, but eat whatever they like, because food satisfies an emotional craving. Think about those that constantly spend more money than they have, running up huge debts, because they want things they can’t afford.

Think about how many people in modern society are ‘addicted’ to watching the latest TV series every night, or spending their waking and sleeping hours glued to their phone screens, rather than spending time working on themselves.

Do you repel or attract?

Perhaps the most significant, commonplace, but hidden addiction is to money.

Usually this applies to those who never seem to be able to make much money, who have become obsessed with their lack of money, and who suffer anxiety, distress and depression because of their strong emotional attachment to money and their frustration at the lack of it.

Boc explains that when our subconscious brain associates something with negative emotions, pain and anguish, we tend to repel it, to safeguard our egos.

And so it is with money – because money is a flow of energy, like everything else – if we worry and obsess about it (or the lack of it), we block the flow of money towards us. This is called the Law of Repulsion.

Ironically, those who are least attached to money tend to be those who make money more easily.

These people tend to have a more relaxed attitude to money, and don’t worry about what will happen if they don’t have it – they know they’ll make do somehow and get more money.

Their ‘preference’ for money, rather than addiction, means they are much more easily able to attract a flow of money towards themselves, and thus they can enjoy a high standard of living.

This trust that money will always flow towards them, and a rational rather than emotional approach to making money, even if they are determined to do so, is what allows a free flow of money (energy). This is the infamous Law of Attraction.

How to increase your magnetic appeal

Boc then goes on to explain practical methods for increasing your money attraction force, and minimising your repellant force.

This is not voodoo or magic – he has helped so many people over the last few decades, that he confidently claims if you follow his ‘two-prong method‘, outlined in the book, you too will solve all your money problems forever!

He makes a strong case for what he teaches, noting that “addiction aligns with bondage [worry, stress, fear, hardship, poverty], while ‘preference’ [indifference, positive outlook no matter what] aligns with freedom“.

You may still be feeling skeptical at this stage.

But quite simply, “your emotional outlook determines whether you have an addiction or a preference [to/for money]. With an addiction, you feel worry, emotional tension, and a sense of fear or dread. With a preference you feel peace.

I don’t know about you, but I choose peace, so I’m following his guidelines.

His two-prong method includes daily affirmations with clear images of your desired earnings, events or items, and ‘glad-giving’ whereby you detach from your addiction to money by giving away a small amount everytime you earn some.

Get your own copy of the book:

It’s the best investment for yourself you can make!

Read more about Law of Attraction versus Law of Repulsion


What People are Saying

Reviews of the book from Victor Boc’s website.

5 star rating
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5 star rating
Absolutely riveting! It is impossible, I’m sure, to read this book and not derive benefit. No one should pass up this fantastic lesson on money.
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5 star rating
I have been looking for this all my life, and I’m 55 now. This is the easiest, simplest thing to do I have ever read, and I’ve studied a lot. Thank you very much. You have changed my life.
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5 star rating
This is the most fantastic book I have ever read. I spent hundreds of dollars on money schemes that are absolutely useless. For the first time in my life I am free of money problems. If people would read this, they would receive the same peace of mind I have.
5 star rating
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5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
I’ve gone through tons of books, but none has ever hit home like your two-prong method. There are so many money books. The difference between yours and theirs is that yours works! I’m amazed at the things that have happened in only 13 days. I know this is only the beginning.

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